Goodreads Will Soon Let You Add Amazon Books to Your Shelves – GalleyCat

goodreadsGoodreads Will Soon Let You Add Amazon Books to Your Shelves – GalleyCat.


Social reading platform Goodreads will soon let users add their Amazon book purchases to their Goodreads shelves.

The capability is part of a new feature called “Add Your Amazon Books.”  Using the tool, Goodreads members in the U.S., Canada and Australia will soon be able to add books that they’ve bought on Amazon, including print and Kindle, to their Goodreads shelves.

The goal of the tool is to help friends better share what they are reading and to help readers keep track of all of the books that they have purchased. Check it out: “More books added to your Goodreads shelves means better recommendations to help you find more great books to read. The super-smart algorithm powering our recommendations engine analyzes the books you rate to come up with the best book suggestions for your unique reading tastes.”

Original Post by Dianna Dilworth of GalleyCat. Posted April 16, 2014

6 thoughts on “Goodreads Will Soon Let You Add Amazon Books to Your Shelves – GalleyCat

  1. I saw this today on GR. I was so excited. I have the worst problem with remembering my recent Amazon activity. I leave so many books off GR by accident.


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