Free Fiction Friday #24


Hello ladies and gentlemen of blogland, and welcome to Free Fiction Friday #24! For those of you who are new to this blog, every Friday (okay, well, almost every Friday) I post an article containing 10-20 fiction books that are 100% Free on Amazon at the time of posting. I try my best to make sure they are all rated 4+ stars with over 40+ reviews and over 100 pages if I can (it’s not always possible) so that you get the best of the best to choose from and enjoy over the long weekend (while I clean my house and catch up on laundry). I try to switch up the genre’s every week, and this week our theme is: LGBT Romance, because a little romance is good for all of us. Expand your horizons!

P.S. Apparently LGBT Romance is severely under-represented. The list was soooo short to choose from. Some books with less than optimal review counts have been introduced because otherwise, there’d be no LGBT Romance on this list. I tried to make the representation of genders as equal as I could. Blame the lack of good LGBT authors with free books available.

P.S.S. Free Fiction Friday for April 11 & 18 are currently scheduled to be replaced by book reviews, sorry guys! It turns out I had a few books with deadlines this month and they fell at a really inopportune time, so in order to have them posted by release date (and to avoid doubling up on my daily posts), I had to make some changes to the schedule this month. This is temporary! Free Fiction Fridays should return as normal Friday April 25th.
